Terms & Conditions

If a person wishes to become a register member to avail the service of match making provided by our site, he/she have to follow the instruction in the registration process. This argument sets out the legally binding terms for your membership. These Terms and Conditions may be modified/ altered by SM from time to time at the sole discretion of Ol.

The user availing service from SM shall be deemed to have read, understood, accept and agreedto the terms and conditions here of and this argument with stand all transaction in connection with SM for all purposes and shall be binding parties unconditionally without any reservation. All right privileges, obligation, liabilities between SM and users shall be governed by this argument. The website is intended to serve a preliminary medium of contact and information for its members / users, who have a bona-fide intention to enter a matrimonialb alliance.

SM shall act on the information submitted by you or any third party/ relatives on your behalf. There is two obligation of SM to verify the accuracy and genuineness of information submitted.

Accepting the terms and condition of website in the age limit of 18 for female/ 21 for male members, you represent and warrant that you have the authority and legal capability to enter into an agreement , and not prohibited by any law.

If at any time SM, in its sole discretion, is of the opinion or has any reason to believe that you are not eligible to become a member or that you have made any misrepresentation about your eligibility. SM hear by reserves the right to terminate the membership without any refund or obligations.

While you use this site as a member, this agreement will remain in full force and effect. You may terminate your membership at any time for any reason by informing to SM in writing / by email for termination of Membership. SM may terminate your membership at any time for any reason and shall be effective upon notification by email to your account specified or by written document. In both the cases of termination there shall not be any refund of subscription fees used or unused.

You are unconditionally agree to indemnify SM against all losses, damages, penalties, costs or consequences whether direct or indirect, that may be arise out of any breach or violation of the aforesaid representation, commitment and understanding. You consent to communicate by email or by posting notice on this site.

Please read and comprehend our privacy policy, which also governs your visit to SM, members agree that their profiles may be indexed by search engines, where SM does not have any control over search engines and shall not be responsible for such activities of other search engines.

SM has the right to change its features and services from time to time. SM is not responsible for any representation errors, omissions on its pages/ link pages. The compilation of all contents on this site is the exclusive property of SM.

The Odisha court only will have the jurisdiction to settle all disputes between the parties and the provision of arbitration act will be applicable. SM reserves the right to consider or reject any application. The processing fee and registration / membership charges are non refundable under any circumstances.

The site is for personal use of individual members only and does not include any resale or commercial use of this site or its contents. Collection of data, listing or its contents and further representation / duplication for any commercial purpose is prohibited. The site reserves the right to cancel the registration of any members in case of illegal and unauthorized uses of the site including unauthorized forming or linking to this site.

The member is solely responsible for the interaction with other members, SM reserves the rights but no obligation to monitor the dispute between members.

While providing services & collecting data on line or off line, SM may out source any part thereof to any individual consultant or organization, with or without disclosing it to any member or vendors or associates. However the membership rights and responsibilities continue with SM only.

Any agreement is deemed to have entered into at Bhubaneswar, India and the Indian law shall govern the violation of any terms and conditions provided herein. Any member is hereby explicitly agree for Bhubaneswar court’s jurisdiction for any disputes that may arise.